Thursday, September 8, 2011

Side Story 1 : Michael (The beginning)

Mike’s POV

               “Dude! What took you so long?” Dix shouts as I climb out of the bus.

              “Sorry. Overslept,” I mutter groggily.

I literally had to jump out of bed, pull on my clothes and run to the bus. I look like hell and I feel even worse! Could there be a better way to kick off my sophomore year?

               “I can tell! You look horrible,” Dix smirks before gesturing for me to follow him.

Yawning loudly, I trudge through the crowd of students, finally getting to the field.

               “So, I told you about this girl I met during the summer break, right?” Dix begins and I groan internally.

Here we go again! This is going to be another of Dixon’s I’m-going-to-get-a-new-girlfriend gush session.

Yes, yes, you’re a babe magnet! We get it!

               “Yeah, only a billion times,” I gripe.

He laughs good naturedly, thumping me on the back.

This is the best thing about Dix though. He’s not one to take offence.

               “Anyway, she’s here! A fresher!” he announces happily.

I smile up at him, unable to be bitter. He’s my best friend and obviously this girl is making him happy. I might as well be happy for him.

               “When do I get to meet her?” I ask waggling my eyebrows at him.

               “Soon. When I seal the deal with her,” he smirks.

Seal the deal?

Poor girl has no idea what she’s in for!


               “Royce! May I see you for a minute?” Miss J, the school councillor calls as I walk past her office.

               “Sure. What’s up?” I ask, walking into her room.

               “Take a seat,” she instructs, peering at me intently over her glasses.

I obey and twiddle my thumbs nervously, not sure why exactly she wants to see me.            

               “How did your break go?” she asks after a moment.

               “Okay. How was your, Miss J?” I say.

               “It was good, thank you Michael. The reason I wanted to see you was about what we talked about last year,” she murmurs concernedly.

I swallow loudly, dropping my gaze.

Right after finals last year, I came to see Miss J. I had no one else to turn to.

Mum has just told me that Joseph Royce, the man I believed was my father was in fact not. I had mourned his death since I was 10. He was the only father I knew.

But biologically, we weren’t related at all.

Miss J helped me out during that depression phase.

               “I’m okay,” I mumble.

               “Did your mother tell you who your real father is?” she probes.

               “No. She won’t say,” I spit.

I’ll find out. One of these days, I’ll finally know the truth as to who my father really is!

               “I was thinking perhaps you should come see me once a week? We could talk and stuff?” Miss J suggests.

               “I’m not mad,” I state blandly.

I’m not!

I don’t need weekly visits to the councillor!

               “I’m not saying you are, Michael. But you need to let these things out otherwise things will only get worse,” she whispers softly.

               “I don’t need help!” I snap, storming out of her room.

I can handle this myself!

I stomp across the corridor taking the turn without minding the people coming from the opposite direction and I knock right into a girl.

The both of us topple over, her books go scattering around.

               “Hey, sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I mutter, picking up her books.

               “Yeah, don’t worry about it. I should be more careful anyway,” she murmurs, tucking her dark hair behind her ears.

               “I’m Michael. I haven’t seen you around. Are you new?” I ask intrigued by her.

She’s really pretty, there’s no denying that. She’s got short dark hair, high cheek bones, milky complexion and the most amazing eyes ever – violet! She’s a little short though.

               “I’m a freshie,” she shrugs.

               “Right. Of course. Do you need any help finding your classes?” I ask, this odd sensation begins tingling in my stomach.

This girl is so pretty! Prettier than any I’ve seen so far, that’s for sure!

               “Thanks! I’ve gotten lost five times already! I’m Skylar, by the way.”


               “Yeah, so I kinda chickened out and ended up having to do the alternate dare instead,” she mutters, her nose scrunching up adorably.

We sit on the open field during break since she didn’t want to be in the cafeteria. It looked like I was her only friend. For now anyway.

But she’s amazing! She’s funny and smart and really, really sweet.

               “That’s sad. I once had to run down my street in my boxers on a dare,” I volunteer, laughing.

               “That would have been so embarrassing!” she exclaims, her eyes huge.

I smile at her reaction.

I like this girl.

I really, really like her.

Chapter 40

Hey you guys! As most of you already know, chapter 40 of Love, Lies and a Flash of the Past is up.

So check it out!!

>>>>>  SPOILER ALERT! >>>>>


So yeah, I brought Carter back into the story!

I know! It's insane, no?

Insane's my middle name though. (And no, not seriously ;))

Right, so let me just say that I have a good idea where I'm going with this. Don't worry.

I get that many of you think Haden's being completely idiotic for leaving Skye in Carter's care, but you know Haden. He knows something that we don't yet. And I don't want to spoil it for you guys so I won't tell you just what right now!

Also, as many of you pointed out, Carter did die in the last story.


So what's he doing back?

All will be explained in the next chapter! But I have three freaking tests tomorrow, so I'll update ASAP. I promise!

>>>>> END OF SPOILER! >>>>>

Also, I'm almost done writing my first side story. So stay tuned for that! =)


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chapter 39

Hey everyone!

I just posted chapter 39 of Love, Lies and a Flash of the Past, so go check that out!

If you haven't yet; proceed no further!

>>>>> SPOILER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Alright, so let me explain why I did what I did here.

So I didn't make Skye move in with Haden, because....well, I have bigger plans! ;)

But mostly, I figured if she did move in with Haden, things would be kind of like a repeat of Sugar, Spice and a Pinch of Fantasy.

But don't worry! That doesn't mean there will be any less drama! ;)

>>>>> END OF SPOILER >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Okay, next, I'm going to be doing some side stories here.

As one of you guys pointed out, Matt and Alex just aren't in the story much. I know. I'm sorry and I do miss them too.

I'm trying to focus this story on Haden and Skye though.

But yeah, for side stories, I'll definitely show a lot more of Matt and Alex.

So stay tuned for that.

Also, since I'm at it, I'll update you guys. After all the comments you guys left me on whether or not I should publish, I figured it would be prudent to send in my manuscript to an agent.

Guess how many rejections I've gotten so far?



Talk about a downer!

And one was just plain rude!

But yeah, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that eventually someone will like my story.

I do have to admit though, this rejection thing is a lot more painful than I would have thought.

It's like you put your heart and soul into something only for someone to tell you it isn't good enough. :((

Ah well....

c'est la vie, no?

Till next time then.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chapter 38 - Love, Lies and a Flash of the Past

Uploaded chapter 38 of Love, Lies and a Flash of the Past on Wattpad (link on the left)

Check it out!

>>>>> SPOILER ALERT >>>>>

Okay, so what do you guys think? Should Skye move in with Haden? Or should her parents go ballistic and put their foot down? If they do, would Haden listen?? (cue the bad-ass cocked eyebrow thing!)

>>>>> END OF SPOILER >>>>>

Right, so like I said on Wattpad, I'm going to start posting Michael's POV up here because I think it would be kinda weird to like have a flashback to the first time Mike saw Skye and stuff like that randomly in the middle of the story.

Also, I wanted to know if you guys wanted any other POV's?

Comment people and let me know what you think!


September First

All right, so I've made the blog a little nicer. As you can see, I'm not really all that tech-savvy, but I tried! :)

I've linked up my wattpad profile to the left so it's easy for you guys to check it out. I'll also link my facebook profile page there momentarily. So this becomes less central control!

Right, now on to trivial stuff.

Why start the blog?

Well, it was a spur of the moment thing. That and I'm trying to cut down on facebooking, so blogging it is (less addictive, bla, bla, bla).

So what will be in the blog?

I'll update you guys as to when I'm posting (like I was supposed to on facebook! xD)
Open up mini-competitions
Do short one-shots
Accept requests from you guys on my stories

Oo! And I'll also be updating you guys on my quest to find a publisher! ;) More on that in the next post, after I update Love, Lies and a Flash of the Past.



Hey people!

Yes, another blog. Boo!

But yeah, I wanted to start a different blog for...different things, you know? So I promise, I'll try not to ramble about life, love and crap like that.

In all seriousness though, I'm starting this blog to record the events that are taking place.

Heh, I'm cryptic? You don't say! ;)

Anyhoo, let me make this thing look nice before I start blogging, aite?
